Thursday, September 18, 2008

don't you know that it's insane

the absolutely huge amount of failure within my abilities is amazing. i forgot the password to this thing about 3 months ago, gave up on recovering then. later, was determined to post on this thing and had the password sent to me, but lost my enthusiasm for writing after such strenuous activity. then, i somehow managed to delete the email and didn't even think about it for awhile. finally, today, due to an extreme desire to "blog" i suffered through the entire password changing process and finally made it to this point. just to realize i have nothing more important to relay to my non-existent readers than the story of my quest to make it here. and that is why I may be the best failure of all time.

1 comment:

chupakitty said...

I don't think you can be a failure cause you tell funny anecdotes.