Thursday, March 6, 2008

let's go to hell together

I'm at home waiting until I have to go elsewhere. I have absolutely nothing important to say, but honestly, how many online journal writers do? Even though really I'm only writing to myself so what I say isn't even online, for all intensive purposes. Though it could be accessed by someone else, it probably isn't going to be. Mind you, I'm not complaining. I would much rather have a onlinejournal that no one reads than have thousands of people hanging on my every word, commenting on my every deed, and living their lives through me, while simultaneously feeling superior because they aren't so crass as to publish THEIR entire lives on the internet for huge amounts of anonymous, judgmental, slightly sadistic perverts to touch themselves to, even though they themselves are, in essence, one of those perverts.
And that was completely harsh and melodramatic. But it reads beautifully, even if it is a run-on sentence. You can almost feel the anger building. As an end note to a rant no one will read, did you know that you can spell judgmental/judgemental with or without an E? According to my Oxford American computer dictionary you can.

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